Police Special Tax History
In May of 1996, the CSD held a special election in which voters approved the $84 Special Police Tax. At that time, the Special Police Tax covered approximately 65% of the Police Department operations expenses. The Police Special Tax has remained unchanged in the decades since, while operations costs have increased.
In addition to the Police Department, Bear Valley CSD also had a fully operational dispatch center. Dispatch was funded primarily through property taxes and augmented by a formal contract with the City of Tehachapi for dispatch services and minor contributions from 9-1-1 reimbursement. Police and Dispatch operations combined consumed nearly 70% of the General Fund.
In 2016 the District introduced a ballot initiative to increase the Police Special Tax to $247 per parcel and included a not-to-exceed 3% annual cost of living adjustment. This ballot initiative failed. To reduce the burden on the General Fund, the Board chose to terminate in-house dispatch services.
As of 2022, General Fund transfers cover approximately 85% of the Police operations expenditures.
Consultation has concluded.