General Q&A

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We have found that our residents have a lot of questions and ideas that may not fit into the projects we're focused on at any given time. We wanted to create a space for general engagement, and you've found it! Just scroll down to the Q&A and Ideas boards.

In the Q&A section, you can ask any question you like. Staff will be notified when your question is submitted and you will be answered within 24 hours. If it is a private question, the answer will remain private to you. If it's a question we feel many people may benefit from, we'll post the question and answer publicly for others to reference. This will create a living FAQ for the community

The ideas board is just that - a place for you to drop ideas on any and every CSD topic.

CSD topics are:

  • drinking water
  • Wastewater treatment (sewer system around the lower valley loop)
  • Roads maintenance
  • Snow Plowing
  • Police Department & Gate
  • Solid waste removal

Please keep in mind that the BVSA is a different entity. Any questions or ideas about HOA fees, parks, and amenities should be directed to the Bear Valley Springs Association.

We have found that our residents have a lot of questions and ideas that may not fit into the projects we're focused on at any given time. We wanted to create a space for general engagement, and you've found it! Just scroll down to the Q&A and Ideas boards.

In the Q&A section, you can ask any question you like. Staff will be notified when your question is submitted and you will be answered within 24 hours. If it is a private question, the answer will remain private to you. If it's a question we feel many people may benefit from, we'll post the question and answer publicly for others to reference. This will create a living FAQ for the community

The ideas board is just that - a place for you to drop ideas on any and every CSD topic.

CSD topics are:

  • drinking water
  • Wastewater treatment (sewer system around the lower valley loop)
  • Roads maintenance
  • Snow Plowing
  • Police Department & Gate
  • Solid waste removal

Please keep in mind that the BVSA is a different entity. Any questions or ideas about HOA fees, parks, and amenities should be directed to the Bear Valley Springs Association.

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2022, 09:34 AM